Saturday 31 December 2011

welcome 2012! hope i'll adore you.


first and foremost, i would like to say, FAREWELL 2011 ! i swear i'm gonna miss you a lot !read my lips. A LOT ! haha. i've been through a lot of sad and happy memories during whole this year. yes, i admit that the sad one LAGI BANYAK than the happy one. but, ahh, just forget it. i do love those memories eventhough it had hurt me. 

so, here comes my lovely dovey 2012 ! yayaya. aku tau aku tak boleh nak meramal mase depan but sekurang kurangnya aku boleh berharap supaya tahun 2012 ni dapat bg aku 1001 satu kebahagiaan dalam hidup aku. kan kan?

oh ya, dikesempatan ni, aku nak wish sekali insan insan yg turut menyambut BIRTHDAY mereka pada hari pertama 2012 ni. so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY  to NAJATUL HANA*mylovelycousie*, ALIF AIMAN*myanakmurid*, IZZUDIN IZA*mydaddyneutron* err, lagi lagi ? alahh. ingat tu jekk. hmm, takpelah yg tak di sebut tu maaflah. tetengah malam ni pelupa sikit.hewhew.

okay, azam aku untuk tahun ni. 1. aku nak cepat cepat belah dari KMJ. terseksa jiwa dan raga hidup aku kat sini . 2. nak lepas 3 pointer utk exam mid sem and final. DOAKAN AKU. 3.nak bahagia dgn si dia.AMINN.

dahh. tu je kudd. haha. anywayy, HAPPY NEW YEAR you guys ! may this 2012 brings alot of happiness for all of us. ~ [n_n]

♥ Thanks For Reading :) ♥

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